Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Mapping discussion

What insights did you gain through this exercise? I knew that the Miami area has been considered one of the top arts locations in Florida, but I did not realize how many arts programs there really were in Palm Beach County. The one thing however I gained from this is that the programs that are provided tend to fall in the non-profit arena, but even though they are non-profit there are a lot of programs that pay artists to achieve the organization’s goals. This makes me a lot more hopeful for fine artists making a living by just creating or teaching art outside of the public schools.

What is available that you didn't know about and would like to explore? I did not know about the various art in residency programs available in my area until now after researching the groups of organizations on google maps. This research also helped with finding possible field work locations that I would like to explore further because I might be able to work for them.

What is missing? The programs that I could not find were those that allow prisoners to create artwork or programs that help those being released with art assistance. Another program that I could not find available are those that are supposed to help artists be able to find proper training to prepare them to be able to handle working in the industry or to even find employment. I find this to be a huge problem as I am inspiring to become an Art Professor and if I find it hard to find employment opportunities how am I supposed to provide a list of options for my students in or outside of public school walls?

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